Curo Capital

We are a Partner-driven Asset Management Company, and we have a strong skill set within individual Asset Management, Alternative Investments, Investment Office and Sustainability Advisory

Our core expertise

Asset Management




About us

In Curo Capital, we are independent. Therefore, we can customize and advise on your wealth to fit your needs – without considering our own investment products. We freely select our global partners, which means that each stock and bond in your portfolio is handpicked by some of the most skilled managers in the world.

By collaborating with an independent manager, you gain access to a wide range of investment opportunities across different markets and assets. This provides diversification, reduces risk, and increases the likelihood of attractive returns.

Many investors want to invest in line with their personal values and beliefs. Sustainable investments allow you to channel capital towards companies that align with your own values. Essentially, it’s about taking a stand and defining your own sustainability profile, which we can facilitate and assist with. Therefore, we can assure you that as a client in Curo Capital, you become part of an ambitious community, where sustainable investments and unbiased advice are central, and helping to push the world in a better direction.

Careful planning and strategic advice are essential for achieving a solid wealth accumulation. We can offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs and goals. In addition to advice, efficient administration, and a solid governance structure also play an important role. Our concept supports your resources, ensuring responsible and efficient asset management and Investment Office services.

Naturally, we invest our own wealth in the same way as we invest for our clients.

Who do we work for?

The relationship is always anchored with a partner who knows you and at the same time has the experience and expertise to design the right investment strategy and/or provide individual advice.

High Net Worth Individuals and Companies

We serve wealthy families who prioritize personalized service and professional asset management. Our clients have access to a range of the world’s most skilled asset managers in both traditional and alternative investments, and we continuously adjust the composition of their wealth within agreed-upon investment universe and risk profile.

Some families engage our services to educate the next generation, allowing them to be well-prepared for the future responsibility of managing the family’s wealth.

Family Offices

We provide strategic investment advisory services to Family Offices that seek best practices in the investment field but prefer not to build a larger organization themselves. The tasks we undertake for each Family Office are diverse and include assessing new investments, executing, evaluating fund managers etc.

Other investors

We work for patient organizations, educational institutions, and NGOs. In addition to asset management, these clients often utilize us as an advisor for various matters, such as new investment opportunities, where our independence ensures 100% unbiased advice.


We closely collaborate with a range of Danish foundations and assist them in formulating strategies for sustainable and/or alternative investments. Simultaneously, the demands for governance and transparency in their asset management are increasing. Therefore, we provide advisory services, analysis, and reporting to support these Foundations in meeting those requirements.

Number of employees
Curo Capital is founded
0 b. DKK
In AuM and AuA


Jens Honoré
Jens HonoréPartner & CEO
T: +45 30 59 66 71
Kim René Pedersen
Kim René PedersenPartner
T: +45 40 40 63 40
Malene Bason
Malene BasonPartner
T: +45 21 99 64 62
Christian Vinther
Christian VintherCFO
T: +45 31 43 44 30
Mads Wæver
Mads WæverChief Portfolio Manager
T: +45 61 10 47 67
Frants Krebs Flyger
Frants Krebs FlygerKundechef
T: +45 25 44 11 90
Annemette Præstegaard
Annemette PræstegaardRelationship Manager
T: +45 31 36 45 01
Anders Krenk Aagaard
Anders Krenk AagaardChief Investment Manager
T: +45 24 94 02 17
Kris H. Haase
Kris H. HaaseInvestment Manager
T: +45 54 58 42 22
Søren Hansen
Søren HansenSustainable Analyst
T: +45 60 38 84 30
Søren Viktor Larsen
Søren Viktor LarsenSenior Investment Controller
T: +45 40 62 11 85
Jacob Grenaa Vestergaard
Jacob Grenaa VestergaardJunior Controller
T: +45 25 60 78 18
Josefine Adrian Lindbæk
Josefine Adrian LindbækJunior Controller
T: +45 40 56 59 59
Cecilia Heimann Larsen
Cecilia Heimann LarsenJunior Controller
T: +45 30 54 80 59
Christian Bork
Christian BorkJunior Analyst
T: +45 60 58 71 71
Malene Ehrenskjöld
Malene EhrenskjöldCompliance Officer
T: +45 61 61 79 42
Yasmin Rahimi
Yasmin RahimiOffice Manager
T: +45 71 70 72 18


Curo Capital Fondsmæglerselskab A/S
Frydenlundsvej 30,
2950 Vedbæk

CVR.NR. 32656773

Registrationnumber by the Danish FDA: 8259